What is the best BNC Digital Cable under $4,000?

I'm looking at the Synergistic Research Galileo UEF Digital BNC. As well as the Wave High Fidelity Cable and the High Fidelity Reveal BNC and the Black Cat Tron Ditial Cables, respectively.  What do you consider the best Digital BNC cable under $4K?
Anyone who thinks a digital cable sends ones and zeros down a wire has no idea how digital audio works.  A digital cable carries an analog wave which is an imperfect representation of a digital square wave, and carries a bunch of noise. 

I suggest watching the excellent video which explains all this.
I’m an electric engineer and please trust me, the best Digital BNC cable what you can get is the Canare BNC cables (Japan). It is the best cable under 4000$, for about 30$-40$. If you buy something else for more money the best what you will get a Canare with different label and outer skin.

Please don’t think there is correlation between prices and cable quality over 40$.

If your Streamer and DAC has USB input as well, please use that instead of SPDIF Coax/BNC. USB is asynchronous by standard, it means your DAC will resync the incoming digital signal, so USB is not sensitive for incoming jitter from the streamer.

SPDIF Coax/BNC is synchronous in theory (DAC will use what arrived, when arrived), but best DACs resync it like at the USB.

You lost me at "I'm an electrical engineer" but my eyes were too fast and caught "please" which is begging and "trust me" which my brain automatically inserts "and the last thing you want to do is" in front of, ditto "the best", because it knows the only way this can be true is if the guy first established his listening chops by having laid out all the great wire he's compared. Which never happened. So it really is begging after all. And trust, that's faith. So what are we talking here? Engineering? Or faith?? 

What's truly amazing is my brain does all this way faster than it takes to explain. So virtually all the time wasted here was writing up this critique of why engineering has so very little to do with listening.
mzkmxcv777 posts
Still, you believe data cables can alter tonal balance, stereo separation, etc.? If so, I ask for an explanation as to how it can actively alter a digital transmission.

Data cables DO alter tonal balance and separation.
How ..? I don't care!
Message to mzkmxcv .... If your ears or system (or both) are inadequate, do not disagree with people who have both performing far higher than you can possible perceive, or understand. It is beyond you - just accept it, and do not advertise your inadequacies to the world and his dog.