is the sound of vinyl due to the physical process of the turntable?

Same here. I do not own a turntable, however, if the sound of vinyl comes from the physical act of the record on the turntable why can't I transfer digital audio or at least emulate that process to digitally recreate that sound? I remember back in the 1970's you had 45rpm records on the back of cereal boxes and they were not vinyl, however they sounded good why can't I do that myself?
sam here is it possible to make a dummy record like the nothing record (1978) that was cut with no music just the blank grooves and play that while i run digital audio somehow through the stylus cartridge
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Why not just buy a good TT, and join the converted?

his vinyl reference is from a cereal box......what else is there to say?

opinions about vinyl have been based on worse data points, after all. :-)