TRL Marantz Sa-14

After speaking to Paul at TRL I am very curious to hear from those who own this unit what improvements do you hear with the player before and after the mod.

The SA-14 sounds weak in the bass and has no dynamics in comparison to some players like the Sony Scd-1 in stock form. Has anyone compared the TRL Sa-14 to the Sony Scd-1?
Sbayne, what power cord are you using? If you've got the CRL silver series then based on my testing a VenHaus Airsine will provide a slightly more relaxed and organizc sound (all things being equal).
Jsala - I'm using a ZCable Red Lightning with an Ultra ZSleeve. I will check out the VenHaus Airsine.
Sbayne, I posted comments about 5-6 weeks ago on how various PCs sounded with my TRL SA14. While the specific results may be different in your system, the TRL SA14 really shows the difference among power cords.
"I tried to find out where things are with the SA-11 mod but the thread was expunged."

My TRL SA11S1 is arriving today. From my conversations with Paul, I'm thinking it's one of his first. Anyone else out there with one?

I've not heard the SA-14 but can post impressions if anyone is interested.
Welcome to the group. Please keep us posted about the progress of TRL SA11S1 break-in. Which player(s) does SA11S1 replace?