I shouldn’t have use his amps as an example that couldn’t drive those JBL’s 1400 which IS fact and not fiction, "which even he agreed on" way back on the 9-17-2019 and here’s the proof! Ralph's answer https://forum.audiogon.com/posts/1804702 to my post before it https://forum.audiogon.com/posts/1803629@georgehifi
Your slipping Ralph, "one should always remember what one said no matter how old before saying the opposite" Confucius.
Uh, George, the M-60 is **not** one of our
big Atmasphere’s monoblocksas you put it in your post above. The M-60 is our **smallest** monoblock and the S-30 is the only amp we make that is smaller. The MA-1, MA-2 and MA-3 are all bigger than the M-60. I'm not slipping or in 'protection mode', simply instead insisting on facts. The M-60 won't drive a 2 or 3 ohm load, but our 'big monoblocks' can.
It would be correct in your post above to have said
the **small** Atma-Sphere monoblocks that my friend had, could not drive the bass of the "so say" easy load, high efficiency (90db), easy impedance load (8ohms) of the JBL 1400 Array speakers, because of the added -phase angle of the EPDR combination.-however to be really accurate you could just drop the bit about EPDR and simply state that the M-60 can't drive a 2 ohm load but we could have told you that, and did. BTW, the efficiency of a 2 ohm loudspeaker with a 90dB efficiency is 84dB- not a good choice with **any** 60 watt amp. 90dB is not 'high efficiency BTW; that's a moderate efficiency. High efficiency would be in the high 90s or higher.