Have a problem with my JOB INT - how to contact company for service...

Hello to all...

Have a problem with my JOB INT amp - can't find any info regarding company and/or service: can anyone suggest a reliable tech to do some diagnostics and a repair for me? Zip 11566 Merrick NY - within one of the WuhanVirus Centers in the USA...
(LUCKY ME: also have a vintage Gershman speaker problem to deal with...)

Goldmund has a new integrated out. It’s called the Telos 7.

I’m not aware of any new or reissued Job gear. I think that ship has sailed.
Oh, I misunderstood. 

I had the 225 amp as well... Twice actually. 

Should have kept it... Twice. Lol.

Love my Hegel though. My system has changed so many times since the last Job product I had so it would be impossible for me to make a comparison against the Hegel. But I would love to try.

My repair should be completed next week and shipped out. I’m waiting for the final update and bill. Fingers crossed. I miss that thing.
My repaired Job INTegrated will be delivered on Wednesday via DHL.

Can't wait.