Pryso, Miles Davis was not born a celebrity; one older lady remembered Miles as "The little dark skinned kid who was always trying to blow the trumpet" (little dark skinned kid was not meant to be disparaging, just a matter of fact description)
The neighborhood had not changed when I was a child and I walked the streets within the boundaries of "My neighborhood". I was preschool and walked those sidewalks without fear. Everybody knew me and I spoke to people sitting on their front porches and even stopped to chat. (that was usually good for a nickel or a dime)
People didn't have AC in their houses, and when it got really hot, everybody made a pallet and slept on their front porches. That was big fun, people next door talking to one another in the night until somebody complained that they had to go to work and wanted to get some sleep.
Life was a lot different then.