Which one to choose between two 80K$ tube amps?

There are two interesting 80K$ tube amps on sale at Audiogon.


The first one is David Berning OTL design with output of 60 Watts.

it looks beautiful. But I had never used OTL amp yet.

I am curious how it sounds with high efficiency speaker.


The second one is Jadis JA800 with 6 pieces and 400watts.

I had used JA500  (only 4 pieces with 350 Watts) from 2000 to 2002 to drive B&W Notilus 801 with utmost authority and unbelievable slam.

It was kind of lifetime experience to own this beautiful and overbearing monster.

But I could not use it during summer time in modest size room.

Thus I let it go and got Silbatone 300B SET amp to drive efficient full range speaker.

350 Watt to 8 Watt

If you have money or hit the Jackpot, which one will you go for?

@shkong78  If you are looking for a speaker that will work with lower powered amps, one you might want to consider is the Classic Audio Loudspeakers Hartsfield (reproduction). John Wolff has done a lot to improve the speaker since it ceased production, with better drivers, better crossover, sturdier cabinet, field coil operation and so on.

The Western Electric stuff is collectable and classic, but does not compete with modern computer-optimized horns. It was state of the art in its day but that was before World War 2. If you really want to get the most out of your amplifier, you won't be doing it justice with a vintage horn that old!! 

The WE300bs are excellent- that was back when the only game in town was tubes and they had to be right; they were often placed in service as line amplifiers for the phone company, and had to hold up. Some were even sunk in the ocean embedded into the inter-continental telephone trunk cables!


Thanks for your suggestion.

But vintage Western horn sounds like vintage wine which has unique flavor

One of my friend is the owner of Silbatone who display his vintage horn in Munich high end show.

My goal is to have a nice Western vintage horn system before I die.

I may try one of your OTL amp next year since I am curios how ii will sound with my speakers.

Western Electric Audio Porn.....if you are into that sort of thing.

and some definitely are. i've not personally been bitten by this bug....yet.


HI Mike

I had been bitten by bug for 20 years.

My buddy suggested  me to try out smaller full range model, We755.

But i would rather go for full vintage horn which give natural dynamics and details.

If you attend Munich High End show next year, you could be bitten by bug too.
Western Electric is one of the famous US company dating back to 1869.

But it is harder to find WE vintage horn in good condition insiide US now.

Most good ones are located in Asia or Europe.

Thus I will look for one in Korea with the advice of my friend.