TRL Marantz Sa-14

After speaking to Paul at TRL I am very curious to hear from those who own this unit what improvements do you hear with the player before and after the mod.

The SA-14 sounds weak in the bass and has no dynamics in comparison to some players like the Sony Scd-1 in stock form. Has anyone compared the TRL Sa-14 to the Sony Scd-1?
My SA-14 arrived in my system yesterday. Let the break-in begin! My comment is that the SA-14 was boxed very professionally by TRL. I almost hated to unpack the player because the craftmanship in packing was so well done. I know that sounds crazy but I was amazed. I got over it and put the player in the system. I'm leaving it on 24/7 so I should be good to go in about 3 weeks. I will check on it at about the half way point in about 10 days and report my thoughts. Bob
C'mon Bob.......we all know you've had a sneak listen, or two. ;-)

Looking forward to your thoughts in about 10 days. :-)

happy listening......when ever that may be.

This discussion is so repetitious and boring. I had a Marantz SA-14 TRL and it was very good. I recently bought a preowned a stock Marantz SA-1 and compared. Hate to say it but the Marantz SA-1 smoked the SA-14 TRL in every aspect. I was in the room with four other listeners and we all agreed a Marantz SA-1 is superior in all facets. So my SA-14 TRL is getting moved to the bedroon and the Marantz SA-1 is in my main system.

The essence is try to find a preowned Marantz SA-1 and you'll understand and justify why it was a $7500 player.
If I may chime in with a couple of questions. What is TRL's guarantee if the owner isn't satisfied with the mod? Would it be the $ refunded and the mods changed back to stock? TIA.

Different opinions are what make this hobby interesting :) I have read others who also swear by the SA 1. Would like to hear one someday.


Email or call Paul. Not sure if anybody out of 600+ mods has taken them up on their offer, but their word is good.