Replacing everything - Speaker Recommendation Request - Under $3,000. With music....

Hi all:

I'm in the process of replacing my current system (Jolida 1501, Onix Rocket RS750), starting with speakers.  I play FLAC or GPM through my PC to a DAC.  

Looking for something that isn't real bright, under $3,000 and would be good with a mix of music including, but not limited to:

Portishead, Yes, Pantera, 2Pac, the Beatles, Al Di Meola, SRV, Pink Floyd, Tool, Kate Bush, etc.  And lots of progressive rock....  :-) 

Only weird issue:  my desk faces the speakers. I have 2 large PC monitors on the desk.  Because of the placement, I can only really hear the speaker on the right (because there's a monitor that blocks the left speaker).  Wondering if there's a speaker that would help with this "spatial?" issue?  

Thank you all!

Thank you!  I'm beginning to wonder if I should just ignore this issue for now because I may not keep the layout like that forever and I don't want to base my decision on a simple monitor.

I'll check out Larsen that was suggested. 
I have Spatial M3 Sapphires an Open Baffle Design and they sound great everywhere in the room and in the next room. Amazing design and engineering and price for performance is just so there. 
Looked at Ohm.  They are interesting. I like the 120 day trial.  
I also like the Spatial M3 but they are out of my budget range.  
Freediver - the speakers would be about 8 feet in front of the desk. Sorry if I wasn't clear.