Martin Logan Dynamo 700 vs. REL T5

Has anyone heard both of these subs? I have the Dynamo 700 and have been very impressed. A friend of mine is planning to get one as well, but I saw that the REL T5 is available at Music Direct for $499 which is a few hundred under the ML and I've noted that REL is highly respected for subwoofer on this forum.

The Dynamo is a 300 watt (600 watt peak) 10 inch, and the REL T5 appears to be a 125 watt 8 inch.

Will it have similar punch for home theater? Specs are not the whole store, but at least I know what we have in the Martin Logan.

My friend will be using his subs to go with Focal 807v large bookshelf speakers so I was interested in the high level inputs that appear to be very seperate from the low level .1 input.

Any thoughts?
Sorry for the poorly written post, I wasn't in as much of a hurry as it might appear.

To clarify, a single sub will be paired with Focal 807v large bookshelf speakers for stereo listening and also as the .1 for home theater. The Martin Logan Dynamo 700 works amazingly well for home theater hooked up to the .1 input on my system, but the REL T5 seems like it would integrate better using high level connections for stereo listening. From the manual it also appears that the REL will allow the high level and .1 inputs to run at the same time possibly being the best overall unit for my friends needs. High level connections would allow him to use it in direct mode on his Integra 40.2 receiver rather than forcing him to use the stereo mode. I just don't want him to feel like he's missing the punch that my Dynamo 700 has.
Allow me to tag on a related but seperate question rather than starting another thread.

From my reading on the REL website, it appears that the intent of the REL products is to add to full range speakers (i.e. sub 40 Hz range). Should I have any concern about how it would work with a bookshelf speakers that are manufacture rated for 55Hz with a low frequency cutoff of 47Hz. Is the REL not the best solution for going this high?

Given a $650 range budget, what subwoofer would you recommend?
July 2010 or the upcoming July 2011? Is the July 2011 on the shelves already?