What integrated would you recommend for summer amp?

Hey all, I'm feeling sinful for running my Primaluna Dialogue HP integrated all summer long.  It pumps out modest heat but it does push the A/C to run longer and all that seems wasteful. 

Thing is, I want to keep life simple and within my means right now. So, I'm thinking the budget needs to be ~$1k new/used.  Here's my setup now: 

  • Primaluna integrated
  • Klipsch Forte III loudspeakers
  • Manley Chinook phono pre
  • Technics 1200 GAE turntable
  • Kiseki Purpleheart cartridge
  • Bluesound Node (Tidal mostly)
  • Old Rotel CD player
  • Doge Audio Tube DAC
  • Analysis Plus cabling
  • REL T9i subwoofer
Let the recommendations fly!
For the the OP I would think on SS, as a former owner of AS2100 it is an excellent integrated, just $1600 $1800 used, great mosfets inside (I'm all tube BTW) but coming from the SS world I remember good times with the Yamaha, you could connect your MM stage directly to it.
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@luisma31,  I have been looking at Yamaha.  The build quality is super and the company is really committed right now. 

@ebm,  I'm not getting rid of anything.  You always seem to make abrupt posts that have a negative tone. Try saying something constructive and insightful. If you have knowledge to share, it's welcome.  
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I bought a “summer” amp because I don’t like to use the AC much and my Almarro, with its 6c33c tubes, runs so hot normally that I wanted to save it from burning itself up! Reason I put summer in double quotes is because it was also an excuse for me to buy an amp I’d had years ago but now my speakers are a better match and I’m happy to have it again for a change whatever the season. It’s a red wine audio signature 30.2 lfp-v, runs cool as it is solid state with a (single) tube input stage and a deal at $600.