How Long Did It Take You To Build Your Dream Setup?

I hope this isn't too off topic, but I'm curious as to how long it has taken to build your dream setup? I'm on the ever long hunt for MORE and BETTER and I think I need some other users perspective as my neurotic brain is on the hunt monthly for upgrades. 

"It’s like the search of the Holy Grail....... never ends..!!"

Yes, it certainly feels like it.
It kind of gets in your blood and becomes an obsession. 

One day pleasure, the next day pain.
One day cosmic thrills, the next a slight disturbance in the force.


"My main goal is to enjoy the music it take me away from the rest of the world and now it is needed more than ever."

I think I've always felt that way.
That quickly became my addiction, and I can't shake it. 
Joyously got my first system when I moved out of my parents house and went to college in 1975. A Pacific Stereo $199 special-Quadraflex speakers, Niko receiver and a Lenco turntable. I would have never guessed that those exact $99 Lencos are now super rebuilds costing thousands.
Didn’t get on the upgrade carousel until years later. I have slowed down but just bought a terrific pair of Tetra 606 $33k speakers. The speakers owned by Herbie Hancock and many other top players. And have come full circle recently getting a vintage rebuilt Garrard 301 with Ortophon 309 arm and Myajima cartridge. Thinking of getting a Zesto phono stage. So, 45 years and counting! Think it never stops... just slows down-maybe.
Pacific Stereo is where I cut my teeth for working in the CE industry.  I sold a ton of Quadraflex speakers.  My favorite system for $1K was a Concept 5.5 receiver (I still have one for my garage system) with a Philips GA-212 turntable and an Audio Technica AT-96E cartridge and a pair of Quadraflex ST-19 12" 3-way speakers.  I went on to manage 5 Pacific Stereo stores and then on to be a sales rep for some nice brands such as Ortofon, Dual, Luxman, Triad, and Alpine.  I then went on to work directly for Alpine  (car audio and navigation systems) and quickly moved up the ladder, ultimately managing the Western sates sales force and all distribution.  What a fun ride.

More importantly, even though I was working for Alpine for 30 years (and recently retired) I never lost site of owning quality home audio gear and understanding what great sound quality can do for enjoying the music.  I have gone through several very nice systems (beginning in 1973, just out of high school) and have presently been building my latest.  This one is probably the best I have ever had.  I have been working on building for close to 2 years now.  Balanced Audio Technology and Manley are my main electronics and the recently released Rega Planar 10 with a Lyra Delos as the main source.  I have on order the newly updated Dynaudio Contour 60i speakers, due in by around late August.  All signal cables and AC cables & conditioner are Audioquest.  Next year I'll be adding a CD source and likely that will be a Luxman D-05U.

So, as the OP questioned, my answer it that it's truly a journey.  It's fun, it's awesome, it's a way of life.  I doubt this system will be my end-all.  The major components, maybe, but there is always something to tweak up a bit.  Bottom line is to have fun, enjoy the hobby, and most importantly is to enjoy the music.
About two weeks. That is how much it took my parents to get it for me.
One of those lines that reveals about a million times more than you think. Perfect.