Digital Connundrum - Levinson? Audio Aero?

I have a Levinson 390S as my main source, and have been happy with it the past 3-4 yrs, but as usual, im gettig itchy to try something new. What I really should do is save up for a definitive solution (Reimyo, Meitner or DCS separates), but Im afraid that's just too big a leap at the moment.

So - what do you think? Audio Aero Capitale MK II? Muscial Fidelty Tri/Nu vista? Ayre, Audiomeca, Electrocompaniet, others?

I'd be very very interested in opinions from current/former Levinson 390S users, but all are valuable - thanks Art
You need to get a back up amp! There is nothing like the Berning but I am sure you'll find something at least tolerable. To answer you're question I'll throw in a vote for the Audio Aero, I like their stuff and that piece is extremely good the only thing that I have heard that is better are the DCS separates. I haven't the Levinson so it made not a be big improvement!
I don't know if this is germaine, but I sold my 390S and have all 47Labs digital gear now. I will NEVER go back. The fluid way this non-oversampling, filterless stuff has with music is great. I don't feel that I've given anything up, but have gained a ton more insight into the performances. I had also owned Wadia and Accuphase prior to the 390.
I have gone threw all this, I auditioned the 390S and many many more.

I think that the 390S was a great player in its day.

I would try the Aero, Ayre, Electrocompaniet, you must try them out to hear what you like and dislike.

good luck
Check out the CES exhibitors....the Audio Aero Capitole Mk II always used by many to showcase their gear...This is a clear indication,I believe.