Refurb GAS Grandson amp or put money towards another amp?

I’ve got a vintage GAS Grandson amp that I use in my Zone 2 system to drive a pair of Snell QBx monitors. The Grandson was a garage sale find about 30 years ago. I had some work done at the time before I put it in operation, but it was so long ago, I can’t remember what was done.

The Grandson is now having some issues. Significant distortion in the left channel and the left channel cuts out completely at times. My question now is it worth it to get the amp refurbished? Or am I better off spending the money on another used amp? If so, what would you recommend? How much would be a reasonable amount to invest refurbing the Grandson?

I’m one of many who have champagne tastes, but a beer budget, at best. I’m not looking for audio nirvana (given my finances), but want to get the best bang for the few bucks I do have to spend. I’m ballparking around $200, as I think I can find a Rotel amp or receiver for around that much. But would a Rotel be a step down as compared to a well-functioning Grandson?

Anyone familiar with the Grandson? From what I understand the Ampzilla was highly regarded in its day, and the Son of Ampzilla and the Grandson amps were well regarded, too, just not as high end.
Btw, my Grandson is the model with meters, though the lamps have been burned out for many years.
I had a Son of Ampzilla back in the late 70’s and wish I never sold it. There used to be a company called gaslight that repaired GAS equipment.  I met James Bongiorno once at an Audio show. He was quite flamboyant and was playing Jazz on the piano.  He was a very accomplished jazz pianist.  If I had your amp, I would get it repaired. It is a great part of audio history. He was one of the great audio engineers, hopefully he is still playing his piano in Heaven. 
LOL Nick name was Pimp Daddy! Correct me if I'm wrong.. I saw him stand in with Brian C of the old VMPS and a few others at Brian's shop one night. Single malt, was the flavor of the evening, I passed...

They were all a fluster over the new, Ampzilla 2000s and VMPS Elixirs pairing at show.. CES.. a few years, back now...2008-10? Close..

Whole shop smelled of paint drying on the new cabinets fresh in from Doren Dibble.. Another different sort of guy...Yes the single malt was workin'.  I was there to pick up a pair of crossovers...

GAS - Great American Sound. James Bongiorno designed Ampzilla and the Thaedra preamp. Andy Hefley designed the Son and Grandson amps, along with the Thoebe preamp. 
Thanks for your responses everyone. Anyone else have any recommendations about whether to refurb the Grandson, how much it might cost to do so, or what would be an equivalent used amp I could pick up to replace it with?

The $200 ballpark is not a hard and fast limit, but I know I could pick up a used Rotel amp for around that much. But if I did do that, would I be feel like I've taken a big step backwards in sound quality?  I've been listening to the Grandson for about 25-30 years, so I don't have a good sense of how it would compare to other amps that I could afford.
Contact Audio Classics in Vestal, NY and discuss having them do the repair work! A few years back I bought a nicely restored SAE Mark XXX amp from them! That was from the time James Bongiorno was at SAE in California!