Not knowing this amp because of lack test measurements, the best thing I think Bongiorno did was the old Sumo Nine and later Nine-Plus ss circlotron type Class-A amps.(needed the input opamp changed to something better, also the output transistors all 20 of them if you wanted to go all out)
No independent testing done on The Ampzilla 2000, yes the manufacturer gives the 8ohm-300w and 4ohm-540w, but no 2ohm figures.
I've said this before a few times now, it's fine to say an amp is "stable" into 2ohms, it does not mean it can "drive" it, just means it won't oscillate and blow up.
But so is a little 1980's Nad 3020 30w integrated stable into 2ohms, but that doesn't mean it can "drive" 2ohms.
This is what counts, for "driving" 2ohms. (almost doubling wattage) Independent test on 8 4 and 2ohms from the original Parasound Halo JC1 Stereophile.
all at 0.15%
450W into 8 ohms
850W into 4 ohms
1300W into 2 ohms
Halo JC1 is a current powerhouse 1khz dynamic tone bursts, it can do
586.5W - 8ohm
1154W - 4 ohms
2255W - 2 ohms!!
and no less than 4200W into 1 ohm!!!!!!!!!!!
This is what you call able to "drive" 2ohms and be stable!
Cheers George