Class A or AB amp for JBL S4700 speakers

Which should I go for and why? Brands I'm looking at are Accuphase, Pass Labs, and maybe McIntosh.
Accupase has a nice musical sound, but there is more than only a nice sound. I said it many times: you only get a deep and wide stage when an amp, source, speakers and cables are good at it.

I auditioned Accuphase at shows and at my work in over 16 years of time. It is hard to say which models. I never had a feeling; this is what I want to own.

I made the remark about which amps can you audition, because this is the only way to find out what works best.

Pass labs can build a very deep and wide stage. Has a very musical sound and is well controlled and has a good timing. All parts to create a stunning sound. I still would want to listen to it first if I were you.

There are a few older Krell amps which are very musical and have a big stage as well.

I would go for class A or like the XA series of Pass which start to work in Class A as well.
Your speakers are very difficult to compare with others. You only can find out to listen to it with your own speakers.

In 2006 I bought a set 800 Signatures. I live in the Netherlands and bought them in germany. I had to drive 7 hours to get there. I took every part of my set including cables and conditioner with me. I would take my spakers with me when there would not be an option to lend it.
Dave, If you do not want to audition a older or newer Krell, Pass labs is a great choice, I would go with pure class A pass labs amps instead of the A/B amps, with the sensativity of your speakers, you could look into that 100 per channel class A amp that pass makes if you wanted to not spend your house morgage!, the class A amps pass labs makes are way more exspensive than their A/B amps, for a good reason!, stick to class A my friend, cheers.