Is there a Solid State amp that can satisfy a SET guy?

Have been a SET guy for so long I have forgotten what a good SS amp even sounds like.
Just bought a pair of $33k speakers that will replace my current $16k speakers. Both are from the same designer and both are 92db and a flat 8 ohms. The new ones arrive in 4 days!
My 300B based amps well drive my current speakers even though I do use the system nightly as a 2 channel home theater. Especially considering the HT usage, I think I may enjoy a SS amp with many times the horsepower. The speaker designer suggests using a Leema Hydra II. I have written to Leema telling them of my 300B preference and they assure me that their amp does not have the destructive harmonics that make a SS amp bright. There must be other SS amps that can satisfy?
I know a lot of people speak highly of the dartzeel - but i've never liked them - too much of a golden sheen. I heard them back to back against Lavardin at the UKs' original importer and wasn't blown away.
I've not heard constellation in my own system - but every set up i have heard with a constellation makes me consider saving my pennies - power, grip, effortless, not in the slightest bit cold - just right. Parasound share that DNA - probably coz John Curl worked on them as well. 
I may be courting controversy, but I find Audio Research boring, same with Musical Fidelity - NAim is definitive solid state...
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Luxman M-900u amplifier. A lot of audiophiles ( on whatsbestforums ) with big tube rigs had them replaced with this amp. 
First Watt is your best bet.  But I would still rather have a nice 300B or PX25 SET.  
Sad to hear about the Leema sounding very SS. The thing that, I think, bothered me the most about SS is the edge and brightness.
And, I think, the thing I love most about SETs is the musicality. I heard the Dartzeels are amazing but I can’t afford one. And I understand the Line Magnetic is also good but I think I will gravely miss the 300B sound. Think the more power the less musicality.
My speakers are Tetra 606s. Love the Tetra designer’s hear. So, maybe, his recommendation of the Leema is good. But talking with him about this, he used the phrase “what you like” referring to my 300Bs.