Flexable Power Cables for PS Audio Stellar PreAmp/Dac S300 amp

I was hoping for suggestions on power cords that aren't stupid expensive. I had the PS Audio Stellar DAC/Pe-amp and Stellar S300 amp. I currently running both of them with Pangea Audio AC 14SE MKII Signature Power Cable with Cardas Copper. I was thinking of going up in size to 10-12 gauge? I have the  Pangea Audio AC 9SE MkII Signature Power Cable with Cardas Copper going to my Onkyo Surround 11 output amp. That 9SE is the worse flexable cable ever made. I regret purchasing it. I had to build side cable wooden holder for it.  It maybe good, but really really really REALLY STIFF!! So I don't want that for my Stellar's. I like shielded because my units are in a 3 way side entertainment center. It is hard to keep everything separated. Anyone have suggestions under $175 each of shielded power cables that can actually bend?  Thanks Scott
You can pick up used Shunyata cables for that kind of money. Perhaps the older Diamond Platinum (I use them) and they are shielded.   I could send you one to try out if you like as I have a spare.  I tried the Pangea cables and they sucked the life out of my system.  PM me if interested in trying the cable. 
The wireworld side by side design is very flexible cable, well shielded and a good value. 

Stereo5 - Pangea power cables sucked the life out of your system? Seems like a pretty extreme result from a power cable. 
Same result with the Pangea for me. Bought the original, sound was thick and murky like a bad stock cable.
Then bought the upgraded XL cable. Better but still not impressed; overly warm, lacking transparency.


Why The Doubt? I had 2 pair of the 14 gauge XL cables and 3 pair of the AC9SE 7 gauge cable for my GE Triton Reference speakers and for the Shunyata Hydra4 conditioner they were plugged into. The speakers each have a 1800 watt class D amp for the woofers. These replaced a full loom of Shunyata cables. After suffering for 3 months, I put the Shunyata cords back in and all the magic returned. The Pangea cords were not a good match for my McIntosh equipment. I gave every one away with equipment I was selling that I had accumulated.


I broke in all the cables for 3 months and they sounded exactly like you said, thick and murky. It was like the bass was goosed all the way up and treble was withdrawn a bit.   I bet Audio Advisor sells a ton of them.  
Stereo5, eh, I don’t know. I’m not familiar with the Pangeas but they seem well constructed. it’s just hard to believe a strip of power cord could have a profound (i.e. less than subtle) effect on sound in most systems. I use Shunyata as well, but i hate to see a moderately priced product dismissed when the op is mentioning price as an important consideration. It is possible that power cords are more critical in a high watt config.  
Anyway, If they aren’t good you did the op a favor. Just me trying to apply logic to a hobby when i should know better by now :)