Why does Denon 3910 default to PCM for sacds?

I have been made aware of this by Alex Peychev. He states, "Anyway, the 3910 Source Direct ON/OFF mode is in the On-Screen menu in the Audio Settings. You need a monitor. When you select Source Direct ON you have true DSD. If it's OFF the DSD is converted to 176.4/24 PCM. Be aware that the Factory Default is Source Direct OFF, so the machine converts DSD to PCM. You need to go and change that." I have tried it both ways and it makes a substantial difference in the realism of the sound.

I suspect that Denon's indifference to sacd and the desire to hear sacds in dsd conversion is overridden by their expectation that most will be interested in only dvds and HT.
I assume this is only the case if you are in MCH mode correct? In 2CH it's always DSD?
What is the optimal setting on the denon to achieve the best 2 channel sound for redbook CD's?. I am using the Denon 2800 MKII as both DVD and CD transport (which by the way is connected on BEl Canto Dac). The 2 digital setting options are 1- LPCM Select:either ON or OFF, and option 2-DIGITAL OUT: Normal, PCM or OFF. For DVDs option 2 must be set to PCM orthe audio will simply not work, but for CD's(under option 2), I found there to be a audible difference in sound when set to "normal" as apposed to PCM. My personal preference for CD's isoption 2 - Normal, but what about option 1? should PCM be set ON or OFF?
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Tvad, I think that setting Source Direct ON you have true DSD for sacds and pcm for everything else, but I think this may have implications to MCh bass management. I don't think it affects how stereo cds, hdcds, dads, or dvdas sound.

Rudd, I at least know nothing about using the Denon as a transport. I would assume that the digital out can only be PCM and probably only 44 MHz.