Anyone under 30?

Lots of cool people, not a lot my age. I hope I am not the only one bringing up the rear.
i'll be 58 in a couple of weeks. i own eidolons. i attend lots of concerts, classical to blues to rock. i have many friends with whom i share my audio and musical interests, including my sons, aged 28 and 32. it DOES get better, tireguy. don't believe otherwise. it just depends upon YOU. -cfb
Hey Kirk just for the record I was kidding, I am NOT selling my gear, nor will I ever. If the afghanies bomb me and I lose power I will use the generator to power the system to hell with refrigerator and heat. The joys of being young, single and slightly misguided, sigh.....
I realize it's all in good fun, Tim - I really can't imagine anyone who's regularly on this site selling their gear. Once you've had good music in your life, you don't ever want to go back. And despite whatever my weak attempts at humor conveyed, I agree with cfb - it definitely gets better. I wouldn't go back in time even if I could. -Kirk
right here---got your wet behind the ears audiophile--28. been in this hobby about 2 yrs, have recycled the whole system since then (now, its pioneer PD-65>Belcanto1.1>joule la-100mk2>belles350>merlin vsm-m). got more in the system than in the car. money well spent...

which is the problem for most youngsters--they don't have the $$ for this hobby, or they're too concerned w/ spending it on booze & women...which reminds me of a great johnlee hooker song...its all about the tunes.
True Ryhno, I have given up drinking completely(yes this means that I will no longer be involved with drink threads) in order to fund my stereo hobby a little better. And I also happen to be single so I can spend how I wish, so I have your 2 spending issues addressed. I can settle down with the right girl when I have my blasted Eidolon's or she will buy them for me(not holding my breath on the later of the two). Well if there are any ladies out there that would be willing to get me a pair of Eidolon's I am 6 feet tall about 175lbs.......I had to try guys give me a break!