Should people with no turntable or reel to reel be considered audiophiles?

Just like those driving a Porsche SUV can join PCA (digital audio fans can join Audiogon) but are certainly not Porschephiles unless they also own a coupe (Panamera owners I guess gets a pass here).

Please respond with a yes or no and we'll tally a vote for the first 100 responses.

Robertdid - I asked to stop the personal attacks, but I guess you weren't listening. I agreed with the vast majority and vote Yes, which I think was your vote. Please confirm with one word and leave out the attack.

A PERSONAL attack is one on one...not preferring a format and arguing its virtues.

Mailman - I like your sarcasm.
"...I guess you weren't listening."
The sound was not good enough. His computer is digital.
Cayenne Turbos are nice and fast I am sure, and if that is the vehicle convenience you need and don't have the space or funds to have a true Porsche, enjoy and PCA will still let you join. However, an SUV is not a Porsche. It probably has some shared parts with Audis or VWs (I know, old Porsches were sometimes made by VW).
Great comment Mijostyn. Minus the records and Porches I agree with the rest. Buying bragging rights is not the same as really knowing what is going on and how to make things better.
Yes...we are in a transition phase.  Phonograph will soon (50-100 years) be no longer.