Hello I currently have a pair of Vandersteen 3A Signatures with a Wadia 381 up front, a Pass X250.5 amp and a Rel B-3 Sub. I am thinking about up-grading to the 5A speakers.
My question is do you think I can get the 5A's to sound proper in a 12 X 16 X 8 foot room???
As of now the 3A's sound fine. I just got the up grade bug and I realy like the Vandersteen sound.
Wanted to thank everyone for there responce, and advice.
I checked all my settings this time using a laser level. I found that the left speaker was off in the tilt even though both speakers had the same amount of spacers installed. I feel this is because the floor is not the same on both sides. After I leveled both 3A's out and got the tilt set to match each other the sound stage has realy locked in, even the bass has improved. The top end is alot smoother still with detail. Centering of vocals is now dead center when the music calls for it to be. It is amzing how a few adjustments made a difference.
If you're using a laser level, one thing you can do is get the tilt exactly what it should be for your listening distance (rather than just the closest line on the tilt chart.) If you're ear height is 36.5 inches, for example, tilt the speakers until the laser line rises 1.5 inches just behind the listening position.
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