Using a tube damper will not quiet a noisy tube. Noise is usually inherent in the tube. Hum could mean the tube has a fault or it’s coming from elsewhere in the circuit.
Dampers can be used to reduce microphonics from a tube. They are often used to tighten up bass or reduce excessive overtones. And they will change the sound, so experimentation is necessary.
The only time I’ve used dampers is on a component with exposed tubes. Acoustic vibration from a speaker or vibration from the audio rack can be heard through some tubes.
Dampers can be used to reduce microphonics from a tube. They are often used to tighten up bass or reduce excessive overtones. And they will change the sound, so experimentation is necessary.
The only time I’ve used dampers is on a component with exposed tubes. Acoustic vibration from a speaker or vibration from the audio rack can be heard through some tubes.