speaker recommendation for 35watt tube mono blocks

I'm looking for a fun exciting speaker that will sing at any level. $1k-$3k    I'm demoing the original Klipsch Forte with Forte II mid/treble drivers and rebuilt crossover paired with old RCA amps. They're a lot of fun to blast and fill the house.  I miss however definition and detail in the imaging when sitting in the sweet spot.  It's a softer focus.  Is the Forte III also like this?    
Zu has caught my attention. 
I would go with original fortes...should be had for less than $1,000.  Upgrade with alk crossovers ($375) otherwise they will be to shrill....and Crites  titanium diaphragms $75). You will be all in for $1,500 with an amazing pair of speakers that love tubes.  I am using an 8 watt SET amp and have added subs for the low end.  However the forte’s sing with my fisher x202b, which is comparable power wise to your mono blocks
I would go with original fortes...should be had for less than $1,000.  Upgrade with alk crossovers ($375) otherwise they will be to shrill....and Crites  titanium diaphragms $75). You will be all in for $1,500 with an amazing pair of speakers that love tubes.  I am using an 8 watt SET amp and have added subs for the low end.  However the forte’s sing with my fisher x202b, which is comparable power wise to your mono blocks
One of the very most musical systems I ever heard had a Mac C22 preamp, Marantz 8B power amp, and a pair of KEF Calinda loudspeakers.  Absolute f'ing magic.  The 8B power amp is 35 wpc and was a good match for these loudspeakers.

They're a little hard to find in the USA, but can readily be had from a European seller for about $500 US plus shipping.
