Breuer Type 8C MkII Info Needed

Does anyone know what are the effective mass, and appropriate cartridge compliance and weight for the Breuer Type 8C MkII? Thanks.
Supposedly, but variable with counterweight changes, the Effective Mass is around 8 g.     The cartridge weight they call for is 2-8 g.     With that low an Effective Mass; a high compliance cartridge would be indicated.  
Thanks. The MkII has the double counterweight, so can support heavier cartridges, but difficult finding exact specs for this edition.
I’ve been using a Magnepan arm (7 g EM), for a few decades.      It’s had a couple Denon 103Ds (12 x 10-6cm/Dyne), a Dynavector 17D3 (15 x 10-6cm/Dyne and now a Soundsmith Aida (22 µm/mN, "Medium Compliance", according to them) mounted on it.        All tracked and performed beautifully, while none had the compliance of my Sonus Gold/Blue (50 x 10-6cm/Dyne), which I still miss.       Wish I still had one to compare with the others, none of which I’ve yet worn out.