Should people with no turntable or reel to reel be considered audiophiles?

Just like those driving a Porsche SUV can join PCA (digital audio fans can join Audiogon) but are certainly not Porschephiles unless they also own a coupe (Panamera owners I guess gets a pass here).

Please respond with a yes or no and we'll tally a vote for the first 100 responses.

Dear @glupson : " action potential ", was in the information I posted.

""" Still, if anyone is keeping tabs, it is not continuous. """

More clear than clean water.

Btw, your question in the last post is exactly what I posted to that same gentleman. Not only MIT research but other top institutions/gentlemans talk about discrete electric impulse and about " all or nothin " condition and " off/onn " condition too.

@looscannon , you can named as you wish : binary or whatever the subject is that are electric impulses: undreds of impulses at very fast speed. An impulse is discrete. In no one of the several researchs out there no one speaked of non discrete impulses and please remember that for scientifics they only know no more than the 17% of the whole brain operation so it's not " healthy " that you can post with absolute certainty what you posted. Of course that due to my very high ignorance levels on the specific subject I can be wrong but exist the possibility that you can be wrong either.



""" Still, if anyone is keeping tabs, it is not continuous. """

More clear than clean water.
Do not quote me around here. Usually, nobody takes my statements seriously.

As much as electrical impulses may not be continuous, over period of time it is enough of them to make it practically continuous, I think. I mean, there are short bursts, but there is so many of them and so close together that final outcome is practically smooth and virtually continuous. And then someone added neurotransmitters to the story which ends up going into a whole new ocean. Which is really a neurophysiology realm and barely discussible on a thread where people have varied backgrounds. From real estate agents to virologists.
So could we maybe agree that digital could be awesome, but needs higher resolution. The problem is 16/44 just isn’t enough. What happened to sacd and hopes for other high res formats. I got tired of waiting and gave up on digital. But will welcome it back when it advances. I’ve been away from digital for quite a few years, am I missing something new and exciting. Don’t care about the convenience of streaming without sounding much better than CD’s.
"I’ve been away from digital for quite a few years, am I missing something new and exciting."
Try newer DACs.