Are these speakers fully compatible?

I have a 10 watt 300B tube SET amp with these specs:

Power output: <= 10W x 2, THD <= 3%, 1Khz
Frequency response: 16—38 Khz, -2dB
Output impedance: 8 ohms
Signal/Noise: >= 90 dB

I was thinking about getting a pair of John Blue bookshelf speakers for my small room and the speakers have these specs:
Efficiency : 87 dB / W / mImpedance : 6 OhmMax power : 30 W

Would I be better off getting a pair of speakers with a 90dB effiency or higher?
So, you have apprx. 3 wpc of clean power.Alas apprx. 4 db = 91db (87+4db's) of clean output from the driver/s. Can you get by on peaks of 92=92.5db of peak output.
Personally I can almost get by with that but, I have found
that most, NOT all, audiophiles ears are no longer sensitive enough for this to be adequate. As always YMMV.
I'm not following Harley52's math, but I found that a 300b was fine w 89 dB speakers in a medium sized room (14 x 23 x 8.5 = 2735 cu. ft.) if I wasn't pushing them to high spls. If your room is truly small (12 x 12 x 7.5 = 1080 cu. ft, which means my room is 2.5X bigger)), I would imagine that the combination would be adequate, unless you wanted to try to play back large scale classical or hard rock at high spls. One advantage of tubes is that they generally clip much more gracefully than ss.
Thanks. I'm in a small bedroom so playing at very load levels is not really a need. Plus I usually listen to jazz and classical music with some classic bluesy rock. I'm thinking it probably will be good but if you feel you can talk me out if getting these John Blue JB3 models feel free.
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>03-18-11: Spareribs
Thanks. I'm in a small bedroom so playing at very load levels is not really a need. Plus I usually listen to jazz and classical music with some classic bluesy rock.

I wouldn't assume that. Good jazz and classical recordings have a lot of dynamic range and I'd worry about clipped peaks.

Out of curiosity I ran _Take Five_ through some Octave (the GNU Matlab clone) functions and found an 18.4dB crest factor on the right channel.

Playing at a pleasant 85dB SPL with incoherent addition from the speakers (it's a classic pan-pot recording) implies 82dB from each. Applying typical draw down rates that suggests about 87dB 1 meter from each speaker.

87dB + 18.4dB = 105.4dB 1 meter from the right side.

With 87dB efficient speakers that would take an amplifier that can produce 35W on sine waves which have a 3dB crest factor.