Best Dac/Transport Under 50,000

I'm looking for the best dac/transport under 50K.
I've been in the hobby for almost twenty years. I've replaced my system numerous times. However, three years ago, I got to a point that I'm really happy with my system. My speakers are Montana KAS, and the amplification is from Pass Labs. Until now, I've listen to vinyl only. I'm looking for the best musical and analog player out there. Recommendation I've got so far are the German companies Burmester and MBL which I listened to and must admit, sound very analog and a so much better then Mark Levinson Reference Dac/Transport.
Your thought will be greatly appreciated.
I would seriously examine the dCS setup using the Verdi Transport, Purcell Upsampler, and Elgar DAC...this setup will even take redbook CD and convert to DSD/SACD type output...closest to analogue that IMHO exists....price tag for system roughly 30K give or take...........
I find the Reimyo CDP-777 absolutly outstanding.I highly recommend this cd red book player.
If you were able to take a vote, my guess is that more people on this website would choose the Meitner DAC and transport as being the best for redbook CD playback than they would any other CD player or DAC/transport combo.

You may not ultimately choose Meitner, but I think it is fair to say that your search would be incomplete if you do not seriously investigate the Meitner gear. The price is +/-US$17,000 and the distributor is Audiogon user Jtinn.

PS - I do not own Meitner.
Raquel, the US distributor of EMM is Philip O'Hanlon in California.

The Reimyo is a good suggestion. Audiomeca Mephisto also may be of interest.
GNSC statement modified Wadia 27ix converter and GNSC statement modified Wadia 270se transport using clocklink connection via Aural Symphonic optimism 2 AT&T cables