Seasoning your sound with powercords

Do you season your components with opposing sounding powercords?

For instance, if your dac is neutral would you put a warmer sounding powercord on it?  And if you have a warmer sounding amp would you put a leaner sounding powercord on that?

I have a 10 gauge gold series cullen cable and a 12 gauge crossover series powercord.  I would think that it would be better to use the 10 gauge gold cable on my integrated and the 12 gauge crossover series on my gungir dac, but I believe that Patrick recommended doing the opposite.

I feel like I have lost some top end on my new Carreras compared to the ones I did a review on but I made like 3 other changes at the same time.  I replaced the crossover series on my integrated with a brand new gold series, added a gungir dac instead of the bluesound dac, put the crossover series on the dac, and I believe that all the drivers and crossover components on my carreras are brand new.  I’ve let me system “run in” for maybe around 12 hours now.  I also had to twist and bend the gold series powercord quite a bit right out of the box to get it positioned the way I want it.

With all this in mind, I feel like the top end on the Carreras is less pronounced than when I was reviewing a different pair 2 months ago, on the bluesound dac...

Any thoughts?
The "warm up effect" is actually the listeners' hearing adjusting to the sound! Happens to everybody!
Cut us some slack, robberjobberman. You can‘t debunk something that’s not bunk.
“or sometimes tweak interweb snowflakes while it warms up”

@millercarbon, now that is hilarious!
Millercarbon, I'm speechless again.
I've been watching for a while to get the flavor of it.  I never talk about my system nor do I photograph it.  What I say has to stand on it's own irregardless of my own set up.