DSP8000’s se upgrade

My DSP8000’s are the speakerlink from 2010 so already have eba, to me that means I’m paying an awful lot of money for the be tweeters and the back plates. I’m posting this to find any ager’s that might have done the upgrade and considering the cost would you do it today and why or why not? I’m close to pulling the trigger but when I look at what the upgrade money combined with the return from selling and worst case $30k buys a lot of speaker on this site. I don’t need people telling me they’re speakers are better I’m looking for owners that went down the path already. Thanks Steve 
Believe me, I have given many many speakers and systems demonstrations since my first Meridian purchase in 1993. This is my third upgrade primarily from preowned or demo equipment so not nearly as costly. Nothing sounds better and works better together for a very long time. Since I have no plans on changing, I am very pleased with this upgrade and you would have to spend a considerable amount more to achieve this level of sound. 
Took over a year for this thread to get noticed. I took a leap of faith and got a deal on the se upgrade like a year ago or two months after I posted this thread. I got a buy it now price for the se kit that was to good to pass up. I kinda feel for guys that buy passive speakers(like me) then spend thousands trying to get all the components just right, but never ever get the system to sound like it did that day in the demo. I really don't think I could ever come close to this sound for what I have invested had I gone separates. 
The contenders were in the $25k range, and I bought several but after owning them I didn't want to go down the dark hole of blind amp purchases after my usually capable h360 would overheat driving them. I mean we don't know for sure if we'll ever find the right combo. One problem is the lumpy bass in the room with absolutely no port support most full range speakers were down 40 db by 60 hz, -20 at 80 hz!  some rear ported speakers could reach 60hz if I moved them close to the wall. I tried several subs and just don't like them for music although some might argue the dsp8000 is a 2 way sitting atop a 6x8'' driver sub it blends seamlessly and sounds great with all kinds of music. When this covid thing settles enough i'll assemble a ht system with passives, just for fun.