What’s the best rca “Y” adaptor?

I have a ARC SP-9 MKll Preamp with only one set of outputs and I’m thinking about adding a sub woofer or two.  I can’t go off of speaker cables because I have Acoustat  Model X’s and the have the Servo amps with three wires to the speaker, so I must pull off of the preamp.

I looked in the older posts and the newest one was from 2004, so what’s new in the “Y” Adaptor world?

Thanks in advance.

Hi dweller,
I actually have a pair of those and another very similar, but I can hear the difference with and without them. With them my main speakers become muddy sounding.

 Hi maxwave,

I have a pair of those and they made my the Acoustats sound muddy.
I would wager that the reason is the loading effect I described above, and not the effects of the splitter itself. If that is correct, changing to a different splitter won’t help.

-- Al

Hi Al,

Thanks for the info.  I did ask ARC and their response was “It should work” so that’s why I’m asking.  I bought an ARC, EC-2 Years ago and tried several amps and many speakers, Including several I built myself, but was never satisfied with the sound.  I gave up trying for a while, but with all this time I suddenly have, my thoughts have returned to subwoofer.

BTW, I did see the AQ adapters and will probably buy those next.




 I doubt I’ll ever buy a pair of y adapters for $500! But the pairs I have ain’t cutting it. I went to Monoprice and only saw two kinds.  The first was female to male, that is not what I need and the second was .63 cents and I already have something similar.  Am I missing something else?

Suggest you may want to check Audio Sensibility, https://audiosensibility.com/blog/products-2/specialty-cables-occ-copper-and-occ-silver/  Steven is accessible by phone to discuss, phone # under Information and then About Tab.  Prices are in Canadian dollars, so U.S. customers benefit on conversion plus his posted "Summer Sale 12% Off" discount code.  
Hi Al,

 The SP9 would go into the EC-2 crossover and I just realized I don’t know the output impedance of it. I’ll have to check that tomorrow.

Thanks for your wisdom.