Luxman integrated for Harbeth Compact 7's

I’m looking to move on from a Croft phono integrated, which quite honestly, is quite nice with the 7’s. But as it goes in this hobby, we tend to enjoy playing with gear. In searching the forums here and elsewhere, it seems this combination has made some quite happy. My price range is $5000-$6000K US, so it’s the Class A 550 unit which I have my eye on. Looking for some thoughts on this. The Croft is so darned good, I may hold on to it. Especially considering it would only bring in $1000 or so. Thanks for your thoughts.
Many (including the Lux) have a built in phono... a good thing because I would love to keep it simple. 
hegel - i have rost and h390 - both lovely, so clean yet warm and holographic, effortless

lfd le mk4 - picked one up, very impressed... lil more spotlit, open than hegel maybe lil less bottom end - ergonomics are total sh*t, stone age stuff, but the sound is very very sweet

both have the ’breath of life’ factor - just super!
Very nice...I'm sure they are both excellent. I just can't bring myself to go LFD, for the reasons you mention, along with it's lack of built in phono. I'd love to go one box...keep it simple, and not require another cable.
I have also heard Hegel and Harbeth are a nice match. Thank You!
I bought one in January after selling all my tube equipment. You will be pleased. Driving Audio Note E. Great sound