Singular Amplification Experience; Review Now Published

Well, at at least the first of 3 segments is published at 

The Pass Labs XA200.8 Mono Block Amplifier; super-amps exist, and it's shocking, when they throw their weight around, how much they sway a system. 

I am drawing up a plan to do comparison of the following in combination:

Two identical systems, one with selected elements featuring burn in, warm up, support, isolation devices, and cable "settling" vs. the other with selected elements featuring none of them. It will be similar in methodology to my previous work in the article "Audiophile Law: Thou Shalt Not Overemphasize Burn In". 

recevs, I almost never pay attention to other reviewers' work primarily because I am so busy working on my own articles. Perhaps three times in 14 years have I read what someone else said in regard to a product I review. I could not have told you that Jason reviewed it. It was an interesting read, primarily as his methods and demo music are fundamentally different from mine, as will be seen clearly in parts 2 and 3 of my review.

In terms of the character of the amp, there is a notable difference in how we describe the bass; as the other amps compared in our reviews are distinct, a variance in experience should be expected. One can see in my review how the XA200.8 fares in comparison to other amps of similar power. Much of what Jason said in regards to the imaging, sound staging, headroom, etc. is quite similar to my impressions. Other than the bass, we reached a strikingly similar conclusion, and if we were both listening to the same systems, it is likely we would be in agreement on that aspect as well. 

Pass Labs must be quite pleased to have two distinctly different reviewers being harmonious in verdict. 

joinid, you're welcome! 
I love the endless variety of system building, and that keeps me motivated. My goal/reward is the variety of experiences. 

Just yesterday I put the Legacy Whisper DSW Clarity Edition speakers back into the rig with the XA200.8, one of my favorite combos. Together, the experience of hearing it is like "elegance overload," which I force myself to suffer being exposed to for longer sessions.  ;)  
One of the most surprising and humbling experiences is ongoing discovery of how vast the performance spectrum is, a sensationally great range of sound quality and playback experiences. If I had not handled so much gear and built so many systems I would have no idea of the extent of it. It has taught me not to say there is no more room for improvement. 

Part 2 now published. In this segment it will be revealed how dominant an amplifier's presence is in a system. When an amp is so extreme, new options for system building become available - and the results can be superior to traditional setups.