Hubbell 5362 Backwire vs Sidewire

I'm about to install 2 Hubbell 5362 duplex receptacles on dedicated 20A lines.  The 5362 allows for back wiring using plates to secure the wire, or side wiring  where you loop the wire around the screw.  Just curious what method others have done.  I'm likely going to side wire as it seems more secure and less likely to loosen over time.  
I back-wired my 4 Hubbells with 10 gauge stranded wire and other than sometimes taking a couple of tries to make sure I had the wire fully and evenly seated, I find the connection extremely secure once the screw is tightened down.

I'm not sure if I could have side-wired unless I terminated the wire with a spade because the wire is so thick.

I feel like back-wiring was the best option for my installation.

I've only ever side-wired with romex type solid wire (not multiple strands) that is easy to wrap around the screw and that was in a non-audio installation.

I agree with jea48, and I will add something about solid wire that I do. First, if you are not going to use this idea, that's fine but don't forget to slightly retighten the screws, since the copper wire will compress ever so slightly when screw pressure is applied. You won't get more than 1/16 of a turn.
 My idea of getting a bit more surface contact is to carefully flatten the copper wire after shaping it for the side screw connector. I do this by using a device that applies pressure squarely to the conductor. Not pliers, because the jaws are not parallel when they clamp. More like a small vise that will flatten the conductor just a bit. Then the wire can be fitted to the screw terminal and tightened as stated above. Sometimes I will use a conducting enhancer, but it mostly for protection from corrosion.
I did the install today.  I used side wire method.

Initial results are the amp is mechanically quieter and system noise floor seems to be very slightly reduced.  Have to listen more to see if there is any difference in sound, although shooting from the hip I’d say smoother, rounder, but not in a tonally warm way - slightly more natural sounding I guess is another way to describe it.  Anyone else hear similar results?