To all that has a Theta Miles CD player

I’ve noticed lately that my Miles is skipping the first note or music measure on about every third song. It’s not consistent, but it’s still there. Since I’m using it as only a transport, it has to be the optics system.  Has anyone else experienced this?
One more thing. Since I started using my Kora Hermès II, I no longer have a problem with digital lock. Every note comes through very clearly. I think that’s all  It’s late and I’m tired. Any advice will be appreciated. 
Sorry to drag up this old thread.  Handymann, I was wondering if you ever got to the root cause of your skipping Theta?  Were you able to get a Pioneer lazer?

I am thinking of my buying this machine, I know its old (in CD player terms) but it has just incredible bass and sound stage.  I love it and am very tempted.  But don't want it to be a brick in a year or so.

Thanks in advance for any response.
Yes. I found a new optics component on line, however having never installed one before, I stripped the main gear. Found a gear at Hi Tech Repair in Nashville and was given a few pointers on how to properly install it. Works like new. It’s a really nice piece of equipment. 
This laser is getting unobtainable, get a new one quick before they disappear
It uses the PEA1343 laser, and if your name is anything to go by, you should be able to swap it out, they are not that hard for the mechanically minded

Cheers George