Best tube preamplifier for under $15k

Let’s hear it guys, what’s your favorite. 
Tried several and judged them to be this or that compared to this and that, then the Modwright 36.5 with NOS tube made me cry.   Your experience may vary.  Might be better at this or that.
I like this relevant discussion and would also like to ask for some kind of advice.

I have the latest version of the McIntosh C22 preamplifier, with tone controls and such, hooked up to an ARC GS150 amp and Wilson DAW speakers. My source is an Esoteric X-01xs...all cabling Nordost and Synergistic Research (Euphoria!), except have not found great speaker cables yet... Not trying to hijack the thread, my apologies. Since I have an Esoteric SACD/Cd player as a source, I am trying to figure out the preamp...
@haabitat Get a balanced tube preamp for your amp.

If you get one that supports the balanced line standard then you will have a fair amount of immunity to the sound of the interconnect cables. FWIW most balanced line products in high end audio don't support the standard. ARC is a good example.
15K for a pre amp...  how much of that is just Jewelery for looks ?
Schiit Freya + is all you need.. spend the  $14.1K Left over on music..
@pani thanks for your post

@mikem I'm not sure why you care how I spend my money. And I'm almost certain you've never compared the Freya to a top of the line preamp. If you have direct experience, go ahead and enlighten us.