looks silly or not if it works it's ok. If my memory is correct ARC did supply tube rings sometime with their gear. Virtually all tubes have the tendency to be microphonic (more the signal tubes) but it does not mean that they are bad ones. Most depends in their location on the circuit, a gain stage will expose it more and a driver stage less, so sometimes you do not even know it. Have you tested that all the tubes you are using are not microphonic and how? What sound do they make when you tap them?
Everything works, and my comment on a previous post that they sound more linear after using a tube damper is because microphonics/micro vibrations are somehow reduced. Last about hissing, we are talking about tubes which obviously have more hiss than ss.
looks silly or not if it works it's ok. If my memory is correct ARC did supply tube rings sometime with their gear. Virtually all tubes have the tendency to be microphonic (more the signal tubes) but it does not mean that they are bad ones. Most depends in their location on the circuit, a gain stage will expose it more and a driver stage less, so sometimes you do not even know it. Have you tested that all the tubes you are using are not microphonic and how? What sound do they make when you tap them?
Everything works, and my comment on a previous post that they sound more linear after using a tube damper is because microphonics/micro vibrations are somehow reduced. Last about hissing, we are talking about tubes which obviously have more hiss than ss.