Parasound vs. Krell for 2 channel

Hey there - primarily a HT guy here. lately I have been listening to much more music though. I got JTR speakers but I love their sound/fullness for music. I have been running a Krell Chorus 5200 for 3 years. Love it, but recently added side surrounds. Grabbed a stereo D-Sonic to cover me...and tried it for my LR. I personally thought it felt a little thin/weaker, so I decided to switch back to the Krell for LR. So, I'm wondering if I should just keep it as is, or try to improve my 2 channel a bit. Would a Parasound A21+ sound "better" than the Krell? I have heard the Parasound has great control of bass response in mains, and that many people love their sound. I heard one once w/ Martin Logans and loved it. I also wonder if having 5 channels in the same box isn't as effective. I thought about going Jc1 mono blocks, but I don't have the space. Sorry this was so Long winded, LOL. But to all you out there smarter than me - should I check out a Parasound or just stick w/ Krell? thanks!
I had both Parasound and the Krell Digital Vanguard. The Parasound always seemed lackluster to me. I found the Krell superior and very resolving. Krell is close to me in CT and has top notch customer service!
@auxinput yea now its probably out of my range...I just added a second sub and side surrounds to go 7.1. I had been thinking of getting a duo all along, maybe I'll just wiait and do that :)
There's a Chorus 7200 also on audiogon.  You could get that and then sell your 5200.
@auxinput yeah I saw that as well...I know that dealer - I think he said the 7200 has been plagued w/ issues more so than the 5200. But also, I would want to the XD version....though I could just buy and upgrade later :) 

The high degree of differences between amplifiers has always surprised me.  'A straight wire with gain' - not.  I am not an electrical engineer but I would expect a lot less variance than with electro-mechanical components like speakers, cartridges and microphones.

That said, for my ears Krell any day.  But from the D'Agostino days, not the private equity people, please. The 1980s pure Class A are the best, sadly no longer made because of wimpy environmental issues.  My KRS200 References were modified to issue 400W per side (not Japanese watts, and doubles up, down to 2 ohms), but consume nearly 2kW per side.  No-one gets something for nothing.