Jazz for aficionados (removed)

First, I would like to hear some logical explanation for removing the bioggest, most viewed and very educational thread on forum.
Than I will express my opinion about such move and hope some of you will do the same
Good question, Alex and I contacted Audiogon staff last night to ask what the reason was. I have not heard back. The last time I had checked the thread there was a very pleasant dialogue going on about Croatia. This had followed a brief exchange about politics which was fairly benign compared to previous ones. I don’t know if there had been more recent posts after those nor their content.

All I can surmise as an explanation is perhaps related to what I had suggested several times previously: “Stick to the subject of the thread, Jazz”.

I hope Audiogon staff reconsiders.
Last posts I saw were few from Schubert, mentioning following US holidays, canadian ww2 sailor veterans and one where organ is played in a church.

I can understand that some posts which were not related to music may seem redundant, but they were rare and not really offensive to anyone.
Even if they were, its possible to remove the post (happened before) and continue with the thread.

By removing the entire conversation that lasted for years and that had so many usefull informations with so many beautiful music that represents the cultural heritage which is on the best way to be lost and forgotten is an unprecedented and unwise move on such scale that any political rant on these pages seems pale and comic in comparation, to say at least.
Oh, oh, oh. I do not believe that Audiogon staff, if did it, did it on purpose. There is nothing wrong with the postings being not strictly related to the theme (jazz) now and then, as long as 90% of the thread is about the theme. One cannot completely avoid (and why it should?) other subjects after so many years of participating in addition to good vibe between mostly long time participants.