Is it really worth it to get a phono stage over $10k

Vinyl has been a steep learning curve. I have, I think, a nice John Curl phono boards built into my Audible Illusions M3B. I am considering getting the new AI PH-1 $11.5 phono stage. Art Ferris at AI  says that this two box unit, also designed by John Curl, is no compromise able to match or beat the best available. Curl did design the two Constellation PS-Andromeda and Perseus. I wonder if the $35k Perseus puts a lot of $ into the beautiful chassis and unnecessary bell and whistles? AI does have a long lived reputation for value and quality. In addition to the outboard phono stage I will have to get a really good interconnect which will add a lot. My analog rig is super good. Surely the best I have ever had. Woodsong Garrard 301, Ortophon 309 arm, Myajima Shalabi. It has me going a bit nuts in upgrading. $33k Tetra speakers, $7k Stealth speaker cable, $4k Stealth phono cable, amp-to be decided. The main question is whether an expensive our board phono stage is the way to go.
I personally think you are better off sticking with what you have. Using an outboard phono preamp is asking for more noise. You have more connections, redundant power supplies and metal. If John Curl designed your circuits you are indeed blessed. 
 I think Constellation and Boulder are having a competition for who can charge the most for their equipment and who can make the amp with the most CNCed aluminum. At least with Atma-Sphere you get a beautifully point to point, hand wired device so you know a large percentage of the cost is going to American labor not Japanese Robots.
Had to loose my MM stage in the M3B when installing the John Curl gold phono boards. And 2 interconnects is prohibitive. But I well know the value of a silver transformer. I had 2 once in my Music First TVC. Incredible detail and flesh! But I think a great outboard phono stage should be also a major improvement. And I know the legendary John Curl Vendetta Research phono stage. Very rare used. And his Constellation PSs are impressive.

Mike, what did you think of the CTC blowtorch, when you had it in your system? It would seem that you didn’t fall completely in love, or else you would still own it.

this was in 2002 when my friend and dear departed Bob Crump (the second ’C’ in CTC) visited me and left me his Blowtorch for a few days to try in my system. at that time i was using a Lamm LP2 phono + a passive Placette RVC. my view was that the Vendetta phono was very dynamic, but also a bit ’hard’ and slightly metallic sounding....not my cup of tea.

so i never owned it or lived with it long term. at that time i had 75 watt Tenor OTL amplifiers, and Kharma Exquisite 1D speakers. this was a year before i moved to my new home with the barn.
I am actually very attracted to the Zesto idea of what music sounds like. I have mentioned this before in threads and don’t want to perseverate. But I did fall for the classic tube sound. Never heard a phono stage that grabbed me like that entry level Zesto. And now they have a Deluxe that uses 4 instead of 2 step up transformers of higher quality and quality and overall better. And I now do know about the benefit of using step up transformers. The Deluxe Zesto is $6900 compared to the Andros 1.2 at $4700. And, even though some question the cosmetics of Zesto Audio, I think they are, by far, the most beautiful components ever! Big WAF...
And, even though some question the cosmetics of Zesto Audio, I think they are, by far, the most beautiful components ever! Big WAF...
George Counnas’s wife Carolyn does the industrial design for Zesto......very nice lady. always enjoy their rooms, and seeing them at shows.

i like their gear too, it’s maybe a bit ’tubey’ sounding for me, if only a bit. that's for my particular system.