Neither can Class-D because of it's switching frequency and associated output filter to get rid of it, that brings phase shift down into the audio band as this shows in red. statement is false in that it ignores entirely self-oscillating amplifiers which are able to correct for phase shift. All the class D amps designed by Bruno Putzeys can do this. Self oscillating amps have been around for over 15 years.
However, it still does not grab my subjective and emotional senses. Could SS be a more objective and intellectual exercise?You are touching correctly on something about how audio interacts with the brain. The brain has tipping points- in the case of music, its normally processed in the limbic centers. If the brain picks up on something wrong, it will move the processing to the cerebral cortex! Suddenly the music is less involving. IMO/IME, if you want the emotional involvement (and since music is an art form as old as humans themselves, emotional involvement would seem pretty important) then at least for the time being, you're going to have to deal with tubes.