Jazz for aficionados (removed)

First, I would like to hear some logical explanation for removing the bioggest, most viewed and very educational thread on forum.
Than I will express my opinion about such move and hope some of you will do the same
Need to stay on topic. Music and equipment this is our Hobby . What can we share with others that maybe helped us along our journey. I myself have gotten a lot of enjoyment from this forum.
We all know that music is a universal language. The equipment referenced in this forum is something that we only appreciate and can share with others.
Thanks to all for contributing 
I had the pleasure of seeing Dexter Gordon live at the old Howard Rumsey’s "Concerts by The Sea" jazz club in Redondo Beach, California. He was a very large (tall) man with a very soft voice. After soothing every one with his velvet sounding dialog, he proceeded to blow the danged walls down. That was a great night of saxophone playing for sure.
