Turntable and amp combination


i would like to put together a turntable and amp combination. While I know enough about the world of digital audio, know very little about the world of analog Audio. 
Have a large collection of vinyl records that my dad gave to me to begin with. 
Also have a paid of bookshelf speakers from Salk sound to begin with (scanspeak 5” woofer and Aircirc tweeter in MTM configuration). 
For all other parts I would like to ideally spend unde $2k-$3k. 
It would be great to get a few suggestions for what gear to buy. 
Try to find a good condition or refurbished AR XA turntable; then buy the best arm and MC cartridge you can afford. For phono preamps, try Classe, Parasound, or Behringer
Hi all, first time poster here. In support
of the OP's turntable choice list, I own a Project Debut Carbon Espirit SB about 3 years now and I'm still very happy with it. Build, speed stability, features and sound quality are all very satisfactory at the price. No signs of issues developing anywhere yet.

One thing I will say is I think you'll that you'll want to upgrade the cartridge early on. I went with an Ortofon 2M bronze and it sounds very sweet when we'll set up. Just a little relaxed (which I like) and detail to beat the band. The table and cart are a lovely match. I have it going into a Rothwell Simplex phono stage which is another good choice at that price.I remember the difference when I plugged it in, replacing the phono stage built into my amp. It was more than night and day.

I think they provide a good budget solution and would leave a decent chunk for the amp.
Hey guys

a little bit of change in plans. 
As for TT, thinking of UltraDeck and Technics 1200GR now. Have read all of the previous threads now. They generally end with something like 
  -poster says “ UltraDeck is more laid back and Technics is more dynamic”
   -  chakster says “but you didn’t compare them with same tonearm and cartridge. So your observations aren’t valid”
   - poster says “but that’s what the dealer selected. They must know their stuff”

as for amp, thinking that instead of buying an amp for the speakers I have now, I should buy the amp for speakers I plan to buy when we move to a new house later this year. 
I had done a long audition last year and based on that had settled on Wilson Sabrina. Planning to buy them used to save some dough. 
Also planning to buy used integrated. Want to spend < $5000. Short list is
- Hegel 360
- Luxman 509
- ML 585
- Audio Research VSI75
- Naim Supernait 2
- Krell Vanguard

bunch of these brands are not that easy to find in the used market and you have to wait. 
Would appreciate any inputs on the above and anything else I should be looking at.