???Anyone Here UpGrade From Yaqin/Cayin/etc... To Another Tube Amp Considered Hi End???

Say something from Ayon,BAT,AR,Raven,Rogue,Unison etc....
Did you gain anything from the upgrade?Lower noise floor increasing low level resolution?Tighter more defined imaging & staging?Anything?
I can say without hesitation the “least fake” presentation of an Integrated/Speaker combo I have  experienced are the Raven Audio Blackhawk with the Raven Audio Corvus Tower System. Following are lists of integrateds and speakers that I or my brother, who has been my teammate in this addiction for close to 50 yrs, can remember owning. And yes, the size of the lists does confirm the severity of our addiction :).  BTW we are in agreement in this assessment. This of course doesn’t mean it is the best there is, it is just the best we have experienced. 


VAC 160I , VAC 160I SE, Luxman 590, Leben CS300X, Mystere, Line Magnetic 518ia, Wells Audio Majestic, Prima Luna Prologue, BMC CS2 and the Einstein the Absolute


Acoustic Zen Adagio, Harbeth HL5, 30.1 & C7ES, Salk SS8 & HT2 TL, Legacy Audio F20, Sonus Faber Cremona, Altec Lansing Voice of the Theater, Cerwin Vega, Petroff Lab Towers, Klipsch Corner Horns, Heresy & Cornwalls, Infinity SM100, Montana EPX, Equasound, CeLest Towers, Tekton Lore & Enzo XL’s, Eventus Audio Phobos & Eventus Audio Métis, Reference 3A MM de Capo, Acapella Fidelio II MkIII, and Cardersound Madison

@dgcurtis36  That's a pretty distinguished list. I'm sure you're quite content with the all-Raven setup.  Enjoy!
I suspect the best way of getting really good sound from tube amps without spending too much is with simple low powered single ended pentodes.Which might be only 2 or 3 watts but they can sound superb with high efficiency speakers.A lot of the more affordable  medium powered push pull tube amps I have heard can sound pleasant but are also pretty low resolution and tend to make everything sound a bit "samey".You tend to tire of that sort of sound.
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