Best digital cable to audition?

Hi everyone. I am looking to audition some of the best digital cables out there and would like some recommendations. I've heard Transparent and thought very highly of it. Does anyone have other recommendations?

My current gear is the following...
Ayre V-3 amp
Krell Showcase Pre/Pro
Vandersteen 2Ce Signatures and VCC-1 Center Channel
Cardas Golden Cross I/C and Digital Lightning 15
Alpha Core MI 2 Speaker Cable
Have I missed it but what kind of digital equipment have you got? Recently shopping for a 25' AES/EBU digital cable, I got prompt Paypal service on Mogami 3173 available here:

Drill down for pics and specs here:

With a suggested maximum length of 1,000 feet, 25 feet of 3173 does exactly what it should: it works like a charm. Digital coax may be more voodoo, but of the three real world AES/EBU choices, Belden, Canare and Mogami, it's a safe bet your CDs passed thru one of them on their way to you. The topper for me was that Mogami 3173 is the only one to address the long-run specific criteria.

I would be interested in hearing your comparison between the two cables.

XLO Limited Edition.This is undoubtedly one of the fastest, most coherent, detailed digital cables available. This cable will transform your digital front end. Highs are wonderfully transparent and bass is superbly tight, controlled and extended.
Audience Au24. Not perfect but perhaps the best all around digital cable on the market.
Yes the Au24 is a great cable.
However the Furutech Digi Ref III are a bit ahead on my system : more details, more dynamics, more air, they are also more expensive.