Best digital cable to audition?

Hi everyone. I am looking to audition some of the best digital cables out there and would like some recommendations. I've heard Transparent and thought very highly of it. Does anyone have other recommendations?

My current gear is the following...
Ayre V-3 amp
Krell Showcase Pre/Pro
Vandersteen 2Ce Signatures and VCC-1 Center Channel
Cardas Golden Cross I/C and Digital Lightning 15
Alpha Core MI 2 Speaker Cable
Interesting observation Albert.

A group of us audio nuts tested a half dozen digital cables. All but one sounded the same to all ears. That one is the Virtual Dynamics Masters. It was definitely better. All the others couldn't be told apart, including the three wire stuff you get with every cheap DVD player.

Since then, the VD has been making the rounds throughout our audio club, vanquishing all comers. That is, until it met the Audio Note digital. Dang those guys do things right. And, the AN cost half the VD.
There are 2 Audio Note companies, 1 Japanese and 1 English. Could you describe the Audio Note cable you were using? English or Japanese, model number and terminations? Thanks!
I believe the AN digital was English, knowing what store it was sourced from. It was terminated in AN silver. I think that may have made a difference. You can get these silver terminals from Parts Express for about $35. One of the cords it was tested against was my own Home Grown.