Uh @rodman99999 I play bass, started on string bass in 6th grade... low E is more like 41Hz. But most bass guitar cabs are set up to play 82Hz as the bass has a strong 2nd harmonic.
Even though I might use a class D to power them, I prefer a speaker to which I can connect my own amp. Maybe this is because I make amps and prefer what I perceive as greater neutrality in them. So I don't think this is the best speaker by any means, although it appears to have a lot of competent engineering going into it.
Even though I might use a class D to power them, I prefer a speaker to which I can connect my own amp. Maybe this is because I make amps and prefer what I perceive as greater neutrality in them. So I don't think this is the best speaker by any means, although it appears to have a lot of competent engineering going into it.