I've had the Stealth Varidig Sextet in my system for 3 weeks now and am very impressed with its performance. I'm not prepared to say it is the "best" digital cable available since there are many I have not heard, although I have heard quite a few. It is, however, the "best" digital cable I have had in my system. As you are asking for recommendations of digital cables to audition I enthusiastically recommend you give one of these a try. The Varidig is a 1 meter balanced cable terminated with the new Stealth titanium, silver and teflon XLR connectors. I don't know whether these connectors are sonically superior to the less costly option as I have not compared the two but they are definitely a quality termination from a build and design standpoint.
System: The Varidig is connecting data links between Wadia 27i and 270SE both with GNSC Reference mods. Clocklink is Optimism V2 AT&T (best I've heard for this purpose).
Most recent digital cables used: 2 Optimism V2 AT&T, one each for clocklink and data link. Marigo Labs Apparition 5.7 balanced.
Let me know if you would like more information on these.