Are these Speakers the BEST on Planet Earth ?...

Are the new Kii Audio Three BXT Pro Speakers the best money can buy ?
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To answer OPs question, absolutely not, far from it, do not fall for clever marketing, the least to can do is listen and decide for yourself.
I did, I absolutely agree with the concept, active speakers when made properly are significantly better than passive ones, but the Kii's execution is very poor.
I might be on to something here...

"Giant Headphones for your room...The BEST OF BOTH WORLDS"
 "Once you listen to this system for awhile...There's NO GOING BACK!"

A lot more good stuff on Kii Audio Facebook page!
Because eight 7" drivers will not begin to produce the kind of LF that superior SOTA speakers can produce.

Why would you state so? Eight 7" drivers can actually displace a lot of air while still responding much faster (less mass, less inertia) than a single or dual 12" or larger cone woofers. Another benefit is the higher breakup frequency over large woofers.

I've actually heard Kii speakers in person and while having great bass, no coloration whatsoever, they lacked effortlessness, there was some kind of tension, for lack of better words and they were not the most transparent speakers I have heard.