solid state amp for merlin tsm's ?

I am thinking of ordering a pair of merlin tsm's, they will be used in a seperate 2 channel setup for music , I would like to use a solid state amp with them and am looking for sugestions, also, I could integrate my subs with them and am looking for advice on this also, thanks
s, then think about a more moderate powered nad amp.
i am sure you will like the sound.
best regards,
s, also think about the supra classic 6 speaker cable. this is a cable i strongly recommend with the speakers and ss amplification. a single run and use the cardas jumpers the speakers come with.

best, b
if you do not need more than one source:

RWA sig30.

I bought it in a moment to bridge the time before my Berning ZH230 arrived.
this is a very good choice, albeit bear in mind you'll have to recharge the batteries..
after doing some research, it looks like the merlins are not for me, everyone says they work best with tubes, and I am not getting into tubes, also, without hearing them before buying mkes me very leary, so thanks for all the responses on this thread, I am now thinking of going with the totem manis.
Hi, Samski....
I own the current TSM-MXr speakers. I run them with....yup, Tubes via the Manley Stingray. But I've also had them powered by an Odyssey SS amp, Emotiva XPA-2 and a few others. I've also had the Totem The One speakers, which are certainly a very good small monitor. I'm also familiar with much of the Totem line. Some of my other system speakers have been Magnepan 1.6 and I just recently had the Revel M20's to play with.
I think that ALL of these speakers sound their best with tubes, at least when it comes to the mid and high frequencies. In fact I've become a huge tube convert even finding the a mid-fi pair of Def tech speakers sound amazing when connected to the Stingray amp.
With that said I know 1st hand that the new version of the TSM's are not anymore handicapped by SS gear than the Totems or Revels. In my experience they ALL benefit from tubes. I also found the Merlins in another higher class than all of my previous speakers, even besting my Magnepans for imaging. And it didn't matter if it was SS or tubes. It's true that not being able to hear the speakers is a worry. All I can say is that the feedback on the Merlins is as high as it is for a reason.

Best of luck with your system,
